All About Car Insurance
Shopping around for car insurance is easier now then ever before. Come to one site to compare rates from top carriers across the United States – and while you're here, learn all about the different types of policies in order to make a smart purchase when the time comes.

Cheap Car Insurance: Valuable Money-Saving Tips
Of course you are looking to save money on your automobile policy. Who isn't? With so many ways to compare pricing and so much competition in the market today, there really isn't any excuse for paying any more than you have to to buy a basic insurance package for your car, truck... Read More

Liability Insurance Requirements By State
All states require their drivers to carry liability policies to protect themselves against law suits and cover damages if they are at fault in a collision, and the result is an injured person or destroyed property. However, different states have different requirements, and some even operate using... Read More

Car Insurance for Women
Women may be the butt of a lot of jokes about “bad drivers” and “danger on the roads,” wherein men make fun of them for applying makeup in their rear-view mirrors, texting or talking on their phones, and otherwise being distracted behind the wheel. However, insurance companies seem to... Read More
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Tip of the Day
Car insurance is one of those everyday essentials, and you may be able to save hundreds of dollars by switching companies or altering an existing policy. Here are the top ways to save:
- Downsize your vehicle
- Buy used or pre-owned cars
- Follow the rules of the road
- Take driver's ed
- Close the gap
- Shop around